As Asia’s cities to urbanize the next 2 billion people, the opportunities for Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation are going to be HUGE.
It is a process that has created sizeable challenges with local environments, economies, and societies, and as millions pour into cities, the increased demands will only continue to stretch every system we rely on to deliver food, energy, healthcare, education, housing, etc, but through these stretches will come a tangible need for solutions.
For me, this is why I see Asia as the best place to be if you want to solve big problems as a mission driven entrepreneur.
The opportunity to solve real needs, AT SCALE, and be in a place where the business model will only grow stronger over the next 15 years, as governments are investing into the infrastructure and ecosystems that serve as the foundations, investors build their portfolios, talent moves into the space, and impact is beginning to be seen.
It is an exciting time, and in this video I spend a few minutes speaking to the excitement I have around the potential for social entrepreneurship & innovation, the fundamentals I am seeing, and why the mindset around big ideas meeting big problems is the breading ground for amazing work.
Hope all is well, and have a great end to your week!
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