With so much going on in the realm of sustainability, entrepreneurship, and innovation, and only a limited amount of bandwidth for professionals in this space, I have created this post to highlight articles that I feel are (1) important, (2) relevant, and (3) interesting in the areas of social innovation and entrepreneurship.

If you have an article, or event, that you feel needs to be mentioned, please do so in the comments section.

Can Planet Earth Feed 10 Billion People? – This is a question I am beginning to spend a lot more time considering, not as a function of population itself, but of the challenges that are going to be faced by urbanizing the next 2 billion Asians and supporting their dietary shift.

The world will not meet the 2030 Agenda goals – I never thought they would.  Glad someone is willing to admit it.

The Man With the $13 Billion Checkbook – This is an amazing article that looks into Darren Walker, head of the Ford Foundation.  Less about the foundation itself, and more about his rise through Ford Foundation,and his vision for the organization, with some very interesting insights into the world of high net worth philanthropy.

World’s First 3D Printed Hearts And Functional Beating Hearts Grown From Stem Cells – Advances like these will have a dramatic impact going forward.

Bali officially bans all single-use plastic to curb ocean pollution – I’ll get excited when they officially stop using plastic bags

Google-backed Bali start-up tackles waste crisis with AI – This is something to get excited by, but hope they are able to scale quickly.  Billions, in Asia, are looking at very uncertain water futures.

Using AI to make cities more responsive to their residents – Some interesting work and insights in this article

Some of the best places to eat, shop and sleep in Bangkok if you care about sustainability – Found this guide while doing a little research for my upcoming trip to Bangkok, and thought you might find it interesting as well.